Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The importance of dental care during pregnancy

The importance of dental care during pregnancy

The importance of dental care during pregnancy
Many pregnant women suffer from teeth and gingival problems. Protect your teeth right from the start of your pregnancy to avoid pyogenic infection which is difficult to treat without medication.
Your pregnancy is divided into three periods. Each phase lasts for three months. At the first phase, you will witness hormonal and physiological changes such as morning sickness. Vomit and its gastric acids erode tooth enamel. Brush your teeth after you have been sick.
Following this stage is the second pregnancy phase when gingival infections can occur. If you neglect your teeth your gums will start to bleed. This is a sign of infection and can cause your teeth to fall out if not treated.
For prevention of these diseases follow a healthy diet and eat lot of proteins and fresh vegetables. Reduce the consumption of sugars, especially chocolate. Visit the dentist on a regular basis leading up to and during your pregnancy to remove plaque. Most dentists use anesthesia on pregnant women if needed as it does not include materials that cause contractions of the uterus.

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